How to Get Rid of Car Smell After Rain: Top Rainwater Treatment Tips

Rainy weather can be refreshing, but for car owners, it can often bring unexpected challenges, like the dreaded bad odor in cars. If you've noticed a foul smell from a car after a rain, you're not alone. Many car owners face this issue, especially in areas prone to heavy rainfall or flooding. Let's explore why this happens and how you can effectively tackle the problem.

How Water Gets into Your Car?

There are several reasons why water gets into cars, especially during the rainy season. A few of these reasons are mentioned below.

  • Heavy Rainfall and Flooding

flood rain came inside car during rain

During periods of heavy rainfall, water can find its way into your car through various means. Flooding, clogged drains, or even driving through deep puddles can lead to unwanted moisture inside your vehicle.

  • Car Windows Open During Rain

rain water inside car

Sometimes, if the windows of your vehicle remain open during rain, water can seep in, leading to a damp and musty interior.

  • Water Clogging in Vehicle Chassis

water logged inside car

Water can also become trapped in the chassis of your vehicle, eventually getting stuck under the floor mat. This can cause persistent moisture, leading to bad odors over time.

Common Solutions That Don't Work

The temporary solutions discussed below are applicable during the rainy season, but the main cause is something else that we are overlooking.

  • Dry Cleaning

car smells after rain

Many car owners opt for dry cleaning to remove moisture and bad smells from car interiors. While vacuuming can help dry the surface, it doesn't address the root problem. The floor mat remains wet, and bacteria continue to thrive, causing the smell to return.

  • Sunlight Exposure

sunlight exposure during rain

Exposing the car to sunlight can temporarily dry the area and kill some bacteria. However, it doesn't eliminate the moisture trapped under the floor mat, leading to the return of bacteria and bad odor in car interiors.

Effective Solutions for Car Smell Removal

For a permanent solution to eliminate car odors, consider the points below to find effective remedies.

  • Car Workshop

car workshop

One effective solution is to visit a car workshop or showroom. Here, professionals will dismantle all components like seats, floor mats, and trunks. They will then replace the floor mat with a new one. This service can start at ₹20,000+, depending on your car model.

  • Car Detailing Studio

the detailing gang studio for car smell removal

For a more affordable and thorough solution, consider contacting a car detailing studio like TheDetailingGang. Their experts use specialized cleaning agents to clean and sanitize the floor mat properly. They then dry it for 4-5 days in sunlight to ensure all moisture is removed. This service typically costs around ₹5,000+.


If you notice a car smells after rain, it's crucial to act immediately. Contact a well reputated car detailing studio to examine and fix the issue. They will dismantle the car components and clean the affected areas thoroughly. Ignoring the problem can lead to persistent bad odors in car interiors.

Bad smells inside cars are a common issue for many car owners. The first step is to identify where the smell is coming from—often, it's the floor mat harboring decomposing bacteria. Fix this issue, and your car will be free from unpleasant odors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Water can enter your car through heavy rainfall, flooding, or open windows during rain.
  • Dry cleaning and sunlight exposure are not long-term solutions for car smell removal.
  • Visit a car workshop for a comprehensive solution or a detailing studio for a more affordable option.
  • Act immediately if you notice a bad smell in the car after rain to prevent persistent odors.

Don't wait until the smell becomes unbearable. Ensure a fresh and pleasant driving experience by addressing the issue promptly.

Frequently Asked Question

Q1. Why does my car smell bad after it rains?

Ans. Your car smells bad after it rains because moisture enters through poorly sealed windows, doors, or the chassis, soaking into floor mats and carpet. The trapped water, combined with excess moisture and over 50% relative humidity, creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and mold. In temperatures between 77°F and 120°F, these microorganisms thrive, leading to musty odors, especially in a closed car.

Q2. How do I get rid of wet damp smell in my car?

Ans. To remove the wet, damp smell in your car, use a wet/dry vacuum to extract water and dry the interior thoroughly with fans or a dehumidifier. Clean surfaces with a white vinegar-water mixture, which is an excellent alternative to harsh chemicals. Leave your car out with the windows open on a sunny, breezy day to help dry everything out. Use baking soda on carpets to absorb moisture and odors, and consider using odor eliminators like charcoal or silica gel packets. Replace or dry floor mats for best results.

Q3. Why does my car smell bad after water spill?

Ans. A water spill causes a bad smell in your car because the moisture seeps into carpets and upholstery, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. These microorganisms thrive in conditions with over 50 percent relative humidity, producing a musty odor. Immediate cleaning and thorough drying are essential to prevent this smell.

Q4. Why does my AC smell bad after it rains?

Ans. This is common, especially in humid environments where mold and bacteria thrive in warm, wet conditions. Excess moisture in ducts or vents promotes mold growth on the evaporator coils of your car's AC system. When the AC is turned on, these odors spread throughout the cabin. Regularly clean and disinfect AC vents, run the AC to keep it dry, and use specialized AC cleaners to prevent this issue.